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Mallory Carra

Q&A With Pop Art Catering’s Janae Williams

It has been hot, hot, HOT here in Los Angeles. Naturally, ice pops and ice cream are on my mind (and yours too, I’m sure). Gourmet popsicles have totally become a trend — and definitely one I’m interested in, so when I noticed Janae Williams’ company Pop Art Catering, I had to know more. Williams and Pop Art specializes in gourmet pops from their super cool ice cream cart and delicious desserts, as well as an upcoming menu of artisnal breads and sandwiches. Sounds yummy!


Pop Art’s pops are diary-free, gluten-free, and no artificial colors or sweeteners are used, but they’re filled with amazing flavor from the organic produce used. Janae was nice enough to take some time out to answer a few questions and share some delectable food photos.

Read More »Q&A With Pop Art Catering’s Janae Williams